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Sərlövhə Life on the Edge:
Müəllif James C. Dobson
Nəşriyyat Multnomah Books
Nəşr yeri  
Nəşr ili 2007
Səhifə 260 s.
Annotasiya As a young adult, you will face crucial questions about identity, education, marriage, career, God's will, and much more. Some of the most dramatic and permanent changes in life will occur during the “critical decade”—those ten years between 16 and 26. Are you prepared to make the right choices? You can be. Like a trusted friend who understands, Dr. James Dobson candidly addresses the issues that today's young adults face. In his warm, conversational style, he reveals principles to help you make right choices and get the direction you need in order to look forward to a bright and successful future